Friday, April 29, 2011

Registry Fun!

Your engaged, wedding planning is on the way...a list has been written an on the top is the WEDDING REGISTRY!! The moment of anxiety and excitement settles in. Are we going register for things that are too expensive for our guest? or Oh my goodness, I have to think of a theme to design my new kitchen in! Think people will judge me if I register for a lot of Pyrex? Can I have too much Pyrex?
Well, my friends...let me introduce you to a website called, This website is designed not only to help the modern day bride and groom register, but also it is highly appreciated by your guest. The website allows you to register for things ANYWHERE!!! If you find that special vase that you have to have, but it is at a different store than where you originally register, just look it up on line and add it to your list. They even have a mobile app were you can take a picture of the item you want and have it recognize it on the website for you to put on the registry. It's a one stop shop.
Now...this gets even better... your guests take a look at your registry online (or even at the store) and they get OPTIONS of where to buy the gift...yes, options. They can find a place where they can pick it up, have it shipped, or if one store has it on sale for the week..they see that instantly and know they are getting a deal.

I haven't been this excited about something for please check it out. Also, the creators of this must of known that today's generation doesn't always like to read direction, so their directions are in comic form. It kept my attention to the end, which is no small feat.

Check out the website...and you can thank me later!

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