Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Zewing Girl! Unique and Amazing Bridesmaid Gifts!

I celebrated one of those significant birthdays earlier this month, and my mom surprised me with having Tracy from Zewing Girl come to her house and had me pick out a homemade gift. I was ecstatic to do this mostly because I had been secretly (okay, maybe not so secretly as I tend to be a bit vocal) coveting my mom’s latest purchase from Zewing Girl. She makes these amazing watches that have interchangeable straps so you can pick a color, pattern, or design for each outfit or mood you may have.

For example, here is the watch I have on today.

I also have 3 other colors and patterns of straps to change depending on what I am wearing or in the mood for. But she makes many different kinds!

Finding bridesmaid gifts may be one of the more difficult things when planning a wedding. You want to make sure to have something that is unique, beautiful, and fits each of your girls’ personalities. This task may sometime feel impossible. However, I thought that these watches and the other products that Tracy makes would be an amazing and personal gift to give each bridesmaids! This way everyone can have something "the same, but different" and it is something that will be worn all the time. You can also pick out colors and patterns that reflect each of your bridesmaid personalities.  
She also makes other accessories that could  be worn during the wedding, for example, here are some bobby pins and hair ties.

These are just a few of the products that she sews (or zews as her young daughter says). She makes scarves, skirts, name it, she can probably zew it! So, take a look at her website or email her for more information by clicking here.

I am sure you'll love her work just as much as I do!!!!

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