I am a firm believer in finding transportation for your guest after your event, even if it is calling a cab company and having them send a bunch of their cars over to the venue. HOWEVER if you want to do something a little unique and different, check out a rickshaw.
Because I had to look up the definition, I thought I would share this with you:
rickshaw [ˈrɪkʃɔː], ricksha [ˈrɪkʃə] n
1. Also called jinrikisha a small two-wheeled passenger vehicle drawn by one or two men, usually used in parts of Asia
2. Also called trishaw a similar vehicle with three wheels, propelled by a man pedalling as on a tricycle
Now let's put this concept into wedding planning! And enter CREAM CITY RICKSHAW!
Cream City Rickshaw is an awesome and unique way that will be a sure way to get your guest talking and remembering your wedding. As they ride the rickshaw on their way back from your wedding to the hotel they can get a beautiful tour of Milwaukee, and also be able to have some one-on-one time with their significant other to marvel at what a great time they had that night.
Best of all...it's super affordable! Give them a call at 414-272-RIDE or email ride@creamcityrickshaw.com to get a quote!
And even better! Stay tuned to this blog to be able to possibly get some deals on renting your own rickshaws for your wedding!
now THAT would be fun...if only we'd known about it 3 years ago...:)