Did some googling today and found some really interesting and unique wedding bands. What do you think of them?

Puzzle Rings
You've found your complete other half or your "other piece of the puzzle." This rings signifies how much you each complete each other.

Coin Ring
For those who like to have some extra character or maybe for those who are big into History...check out these coin rings. They are mostly made out of half or silver dollars. I think how they keep the detail on them are amazing

I really like this idea. The jeweler will make a copy of your fingerprint and put it in the inside of the ring that will be given to your spouse.

Remember Ring
This ring cracks me up. It's not on the market yet because jewelers are working on perfecting it, but there is a microchip in the ring that will make the ring change temperatures starting 24 hours before the day your anniversary so that you will never forget.